COVID-19: Thomas County Reopening Plan

COVID-19: Thomas County Reopening Plan


Thomas County Reopening Plan

Thomas County will follow Governor Kelly’s Reopening Plan.  All previous local orders will be allowed to expire or rescinded.  There will be no other County imposed restrictions at this time.  The link for Governor Kelly’s Plan is provided below:

In phase one of the Governors “Ad Astra framework” the following businesses are prohibited from opening:

a. Bars and Night Clubs, excluding already operating curbside and carryout services 

b. Casinos (non-tribal)

c. Theaters, museums, and other indoor leisure spaces (trampoline parks, arcades, etc.)

d. Fitness centers and gyms

e. Nail salons, barber shops, hair salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlors and other personal service businesses where close contact cannot be avoided

f. Organized sports facilities and tournaments 

g. Summer camps

h. Community centers

i. Outdoor and indoor large venues with capacity of 2,000 or more, fairs, festivals, carnivals, parades, and graduations

j. Swimming pools (other than backyard pools)

Businesses not specified in the plan are allowed to be open during Phase 1 “businesses must avoid any instances in which groups of more than 10 individuals are in one location and are unable to consistently maintain 6 feet of distance with only infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity.” (pg. 9 of plan).  You are encouraged to follow your industry guidance at the following link:

Restaurants / Bars should refer to their license to determine if classified as a Bar or a Restaurant.  

If a business is licensed as a Bar or Night Club they shall remain closed in Phase I of the Governor’s plan (curbside, carryout and delivery services allowed for food.  Curbside or carryout allowed for alcohol).

If licensed as a restaurant, businesses are allowed to be open in Phase I as long as “They can maintain at least 6 feet of distance between consumers (individuals or groups). Restaurants or dining establishments may meet this requirement by using physical barriers sufficient to prevent virus spread between seated customers or groups of seated customers.” As stated in Governor Kelly’s reopening plan on page 9:  No more than 10 people at one table is permitted and a table/booth must maintain 6 FT distance from other tables and booths.

Self-service food and beverage is not recommended during Phase I, please refer to the following industry guidance: 

Pet Grooming, Training, Boarding, and Walking is allowed please follow industry guidance for health and safety:

Thomas County will follow the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Travel Related Quarantine and will not have any additional restrictions at this time.  This was last updated 4-30-2020 and does have occasional changes.  When changes are made we will post on Thomas County Health Department Facebook page and also

Thomas County will go back to Phase I of their employer/employee guidance starting 5-4-2020.