Clerk and Election Officer

  • Duties
  • Voter Registration
  • Contact Us

  • Duties of the Clerk
  • Clerical

    Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners
    Records and maintains official minutes of meetings
    Maintains all contracts with the County
    Maintains the County Seal(s)
    Attests the signatures of the County Commissioners on documents
    Assists with vacation of County roads (K.S.A. 68-102a)


    Responsible for office budget(s)
    Certifies that cash and budget are available to cover claims
    Reviews and approves all claims for payment and issues 1099s
    Keeps all financial reports of the County and other entities
    Assists smaller taxing entities with budget preparation annually


    Calculates July and November abstracts of valuation and taxation
    Compiles and reports annual bonded indebtedness of the County
    Prepares the tax roll in preparation of printing tax statements
    Sets and certifies levies annually
    Maintains special assessments to the tax roll
    Processes abatements/additions and escapes to the tax roll
    Assessment of sewer costs and placement on tax roll (K.S.A. 12-618)
    Motor Vehicle Abstract Certification annually 

    Payroll/Human Resources (duties may vary by county)

    Administers Payroll for all County employees
    Maintains the benefits package for all County Employees
    Reports and pays all employment taxes and insurance premiums
    Issues W-2s for County employees 


    Sells licenses for the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks & Tourism
    Sells moving permits, cereal malt beverage licenses and firework permits
    Maintains fixed asset inventory for the County
    Assists taxpayers annually with Homestead and Food Sales Tax refunds
    Freedom of Information Officer for the County (in most counties)
    Maintains all legal publications for County
    Maintains all claims against the County
    Maintains a map of all taxing units in the County and submits it annually to PVD, Appraiser and State Assessed Utilities
    Provides “check and balance” to motor vehicle, general ledger and real and personal property from other offices by maintaining a separate set of records
    Administers County policies as set by the County Commission
    Handles bids/quotations
    Notary Public for State of Kansas to conduct notarizations
    Administers Oaths of Office and Swears-in Sheriff's Deputies
    Charter Resolutions filed with Secretary of State (K.S.A. 19-101b,c)
    Inter-local Agreements filed with ROD, SOS after approved from KS AG (K.S.A. 12-2905-2905)
    Private burial grounds-files suit against those who damage monuments and fencing at private burial grounds not otherwise provided for by will or deed (K.S.A. 17-1305)
    If Sheriff and Undersheriff are no longer able to conduct duties of the office, County Clerk becomes acting Sheriff (K.S.A. 19-804a)
    If Sheriff or Undersheriff cannot prevent a lynching, then the County Clerk assumes the duties of Sheriff (K.S.A. 19-825)
    Vacation Restricted Access (K.S.A. 58-2613)


  • Voter Registration
    • 101 of 105 County Clerks are also the County Election Officer (Johnson, Sedgwick, Shawnee and Wyandotte have appointed County Election Officer in addition to a County Clerk)
    • Maintains accurate Voter Registration Rolls
    • Collects filing fees for local candidates
    • Verifies signatures on petitions for candidates, question initiatives and recalls
    • Recruits, appoints and trains board workers for all elections
    • Is responsible for all aspects of election:  ballots, polling sites and equipment in accordance with federal, state and local laws and regulations
    • Maintains records of elections in official abstract  
      Kansas Voter Registration Instructions

        • Contact Us

        • Keesa Mariman / Clerk
          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
          Phone: (785) 460-4500
          Cell: (785) 269-8057
          Fax: (785) 460-4503
          300 North Court
          Colby, Kansas 67701